Five Factors To Consider Before Purchasing A Medical Stretcher

A medical stretcher is used in a medical facility to move patients from one point to another. It is usually helpful to very ill patients who can’t walk or even stand. There are different types of medical stretchers that exist in the market today.

Each medical centre has to have at least one medical stretcher for emergency purposes. However, deciding the best type of stretcher can be a bit tricky because you are not sure of what will really work.

With the following factors in place, be rest assured that you will get a suitable type of medical stretcher that will meet your requirements.

Factors to keep in mind when buying a medical stretcher

  • Durability

Since medical stretchers are used to carry unconscious or extremely ill patients, it needs to be very robust. Not that an unconscious patient is very heavy as compared to a normal person. If it is for the wheeled stretcher, it will be moved on all kinds of surfaces and it should not easily break.

  • Comfort

A patient needs to be as comfortable as possible even when lying on a medical stretcher. The stretcher should be designed in a way that a patient feels comfortable while being moved from one place to another.

  • Flexible

An excellent stretcher is one that is capable of adjusting and can pass through narrow spaces. There are sections in the hospital that have very limited space and this factor will come in handy in such a circumstance.

  • Affordable

As much as there are several options to choose from, the price might be a great hindrance to getting some type of medical stretcher. For instance, the wheeled medical stretcher is way too expensive than the one which is carried. You should try to find something that is within your grasp.

  • Material

The material of the stretcher is also a crucial factor to consider before buying one. There is that material that can withstand the test of time, while others give in very easily. Thus, you have to find the best material that will not wear out easily and have a long lifespan.

Things to look for in a stretcher selling company

Here are some of the crucial things that you need to find about the company that you want to buy the medical stretchers from.

  • Reputation

The company should have a good public reputation. One way of finding the reputation of a given company is by checking clients’ reviews on the testimonials to find out if the previous clients were satisfied with the kind of services and products that they received from that company.

  • Warranty

The company should provide you with a warrant so that in case the medical stretcher becomes faulty within a certain period, you can return it to the same company for repair. A warranty should be the first thing that you have to ask when buying a given product because it is the only thing that can prove that you actually bought that particular item in that company and it can be worked on within the stipulated time.

  • Experience

A company that has been manufacturing medical stretchers for a long period has a clear understanding of the process. The staff will also be well experienced and will make little or no faults when making the medical stretcher. Also, such a company has a testing team in place that checks whether the product meets all the standards before it can be given to a client.



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